How to Clean Ceramic Flat Iron: Step by Step Guide

How to Clean Ceramic Flat Irons

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Oils and hair products build up gunk on the ceramic plates after being used for some time. This makes the tool look indecent and can even cause serious hair damage.

If your hair straightener smells like it’s burning when heating, then know cleaning is needed. How you clean flat iron gives it a more life span saving you from buying a new one regularly.

How to Clean Ceramic Flat Iron

These are the steps on how to clean ceramic flat iron: 

Related: How to Make Soft Waves With a Flat Iron

#1. Plug in the Iron and Turn it on

Set the flat iron to the lowest heat and let it heat for a few minutes. Heating it helps in loosening any build-up grime and gunk, which makes it easier to clean.

#2. Turn Off and Unplug Your Iron

Put the flat iron on a heat resistant mat to prevent burning on surfaces and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Make sure you have turned it off and unplugged it from the socket.

#3. Wipe the Flat Iron with a Damp Cloth

Touch about an inch above the flat iron to determine if it has cooled to be held by hand. If it is slightly warm, dampen a washcloth with warm water and wipe down all the surfaces thoroughly.

If you are cleaning the tool for the first time after using it many times, it is advisable to use professional cleaning solutions to complete the general cleaning.

Related: How to Style Bangs with Flat Iron

#4. Rub the Plates with Alcohol and a Cotton Ball

Make sure the flat iron is completely cooled down then soak the cotton balls in alcohol. Wipe the flat iron to remove the build-ups and stains. After proper wiping, lightly dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe again.

#5. Mix Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix about ¼ cup of baking soda in a bowl and add hydrogen peroxide until you form a paste. Rub the paste on the flat iron with fingers. This helps to remove the gunk and grime build-up from hair products.

#6. Scrub with a Toothbrush or Magic Eraser

Gently scrub the hard spots like the area between the plates and plastic cover with a toothbrush or magic eraser. Magic eraser contains chemicals like formaldehyde, sodium bisulfite, and melamine, which aid in the removal of stains.

Related: How to Crimp Hair with Flat Iron

#7. Apply a Relaxer to Your Flat Iron

Relaxers are generally used to straighten curly hair but can also be used to clean hair straighteners. This is how to clean ceramic hair straightener with cream relaxer: 

  • Apply a layer of cream evenly on the ceramic iron plates while the tool is unplugged and cool.
  • Plug in the flat iron and turn it on and leave it for about 10 minutes.
  • Turn the flat iron off and unplug it and let it cool completely. When cooled remove all the relaxer with a dampen cloth.

How to clean ceramic flat iron plates calls a lot of caution. The flat iron should never be immersed in water to avoid getting shocked. Alcohol should not be applied when the ceramic flat iron is plugged on. Also, avoid abrasive chemicals as they cause damage to the coating.

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